Dr. med. univ. Suren Jengojan, Experte für Neuromuskuläre Präzisionsbildgebung und bildgesteuerte Interventionen, wird auf dem ESSR Outreach-Kurs in Slowenien am 19. und 20. April 2024 in Ljubljana eine Reihe von Vorträgen halten. Seine Expertise und Forschungsarbeit versprechen wertvolle Einblicke in die neuesten Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet. Das beigefügte Programm bietet einen Überblick über die Themen, die er behandeln wird, und verspricht eine spannende und informative Veranstaltung für alle Teilnehmer:innen.
Bio Sketch
Dr. med. univ. Suren Jengojan is a highly regarded Consultant specializing in Neuromuscular Precision Imaging and Image-guided Interventions. He is affiliated with the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, where he holds positions within the Division of General and Paediatric Radiology as well as the Division of Neuroradiology and Musculoskeletal Radiology.
With a deep commitment to advancing medical imaging technologies and improving patient care, Dr. Jengojan's expertise lies in the precise visualization of neuromuscular structures and the implementation of image-guided interventions to address a variety of medical conditions.
His dedication to research and clinical excellence has earned him recognition as a leader in his field, and he continues to contribute significantly to the advancement of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in neuromuscular medicine.
Dr. Jengojan's multidisciplinary approach and innovative techniques make him a valuable asset to the medical community, and his contributions have a profound impact on patient outcomes and quality of care.
Research interests
In his research group for "Neuromuscular Precision Imaging and Image-guided Interventions" high resolution/field imaging such as high-field-magnetic resonance imaging (HFMRI) and high-resolution ultrasound (HRUS) are the method of choice for imaging nerves and the musculoskeletal (MSK) system. They also are perfect tools for real time in-vivo imaging of static anatomical structures or dynamically during motion (US, Dynamic MRI) and may therefore determine like no other diagnostic modalities the biomechanics of anatomical structures, as well as their possible restrictions under pathological conditions.
In their research, they aim to assess the possibilities of Image-guided Interventions (UGI) with a focus on HRUS-guided minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic interventions on peripheral nerves and the musculoskeletal system.
The ability to reliably and precisely visualize small nerves, the MSK system, and their pathological changes in patients with suspected pathologies will enhance the diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients with pain, or musculoskeletal disabilities, while with this knowledge, radiological, minimal invasive procedures which are becoming a widely used alternative to open surgery, will be enabled, offering similar or better results, while decreasing patient liability and health care costs, all made possible by scientific and technical advances in this field.
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
Ranked among the top 20 radiology departments worldwide, our department offers the best infrastructure and high end imaging modalities for the diagnosis and treatment of the peripheral nerves and musculoskeletal system. Our interdisciplinary approach provides the best possible care for our patients through close clinical and scientific collaboration with the departments of Neurology, Plastic Surgery, Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Special Anesthesia and Pain Management, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Anatomy. With our high-field MRI, photon-counting CT, High-Resolution-Ultrasound and tomographic Ultrasound, highly precise minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic intervention such as image-guided radiofrequency ablations, neuromuscular Botulinium toxin injections, myofascial hydrodissections and many others are performed. Several new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches werde developed and performed as a first in man procedure at our department by our research group. Since 2022 we were invited to join the Subcommittee for Interventions of the European Society of Skeletal Radiology as the only group from Vienna.
Selected publications
Jengojan, S. et al. (2015) ‘Acute radial nerve entrapment at the spiral groove: detection by DTI-based neurography’, European Radiology, 25(6), pp. 1678–1683. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00330-014-3562-6.
Jengojan, S. et al. (2017) ‘Bildgebung des Plexus lumbosacralis’, Der Radiologe, 57(3), pp. 195–203. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00117-017-0222-2.
Jengojan, S. et al. (2022) ‘High-Resolution Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Abnormal Ligaments in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in a Series of 16 Cases’, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2021.817337.
Lieba-Samal, D. et al. (2016) ‘Neuroimaging of classic neuralgic amyotrophy’, Muscle & Nerve, 54(6), pp. 1079–1085. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mus.25147.
Riegler, G. et al. (2020) ‘Cutaneous nerve fields of the anteromedial lower limb—Determination with selective ultrasound‐guided nerve blockade’, Clinical Anatomy, 34(1), pp. 11–18. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ca.23582.