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AAPR'23 Conference

Patterns in One Health: 24.-25.10. at MedUni Wien

MedUni Vienna and the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM) invite you to participate in its 46th annual AAPR workshop, held on October 24 and 25, 2023 at Meduni Vienna in the beautiful Van Swieten Saal.

The workshop will bring together the interdisciplinary scientific community in the areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and biomedicine in Austria and nearby countries to present and discuss recent research and the most important directions in this rapidly evolving field, with impact across many disciplines.  This year, we have defined an interdisciplinary impulse theme of one health to engage and build a bridge to the fields of pattern recognition and machine learning.


Invited speakers and Panelists: 

  • Christoph Bock – CeMM & Medical University of Vienna
  • Gerhard Ecker – University of Vienna
  • Joel Podgorski – EAWAG Aquatic Resaerch
  • Enrique Estrada Lobato – IAEA, UNO
  • Chris Russ - AWS

Conference Chairs:

  • Georg Langs (Computational Imaging Research Lab, Meduni Vienna)
  • Peter M. Roth (Institute of Computational Medicine, VetMedUni Vienna)
  • Roxane Licandro (Computational Imaging Research Lab, Meduni Vienna)

Organizing Committee

  • Florian Kleber (Computer Vision Lab, TU Vienna)
  • Ezo Stefanovic (Computational Imaging Research Lab, MedUni Vienna)


The workshop will be held in the Van Swieten Saal at the Medical University of Vienna


Accepted papers and spotlight abstracts will be published online with Verlag der TU Graz in a fully open-access electronic volume (with ISBN, and DOIs for individual papers and abstracts).