Fetal functional MRI Analysis
A. Taymourtash, E. Schwartz, K.H. Nenning, R. Licandro, P. Kienast, V. Hielle, D. Prayer, G. Kasprian, G. Langs, Measuring the Effects of Motion Corruption in Fetal fMRI, Human Brain Mapping, https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.26806, accepted July 2024
A. Taymourtash, E. Schwartz, K.-H. Nenning, D.Sobotka, R. Licandro, S. Glatter, M. Cardoso Diogo, P. Golland, E. Grant, D. Prayer, G. Kasprian, G. Langs, Fetal development of functional thalamocortical and cortico–cortical connectivity, Cerebral Cortex, 2023; bhac446, https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhac446
A. Taymourtash, E. Schwartz, K-H. Nenning, R. Licandro, G. Kasprian, D. Prayer, G. Langs, Quantitative in utero fMRI assessment of functional asymmetries in the developing human brain, ECR 2022, July 2022, Vienna, Austria. (ECR 2022 Best Research Presentation Abstract within the topic Neuro).
Taymourtash A., Schwartz E., Nenning K.-H., Licandro R., Diogo M., Golland P., Grant E., Kasprian G., Prayer D., and Langs G., “Functional thalamocortical connectivity development revealed by in-utero resting state fMRI”, In Proceedings of In Utero-MRI Workshop, Oxford, United Kingdom, January 2020.
Taymourtash A., Schwartz E., Nenning K.-H., Licandro R., Sobotka D., Diogo M., Prayer D., Kasprian G., Langs G., "Evaluation of confound regression strategies for denoising in-utero resting-state functional MRI", OHBM 2020, June 2020.
High Resolution Reconstruction and Motion Correction

D. Sobotka, M. Ebner, E. Schwartz, K.-H. Nenning, A. Taymourtash, T. Vercauteren, S. Ourselin, G. Kasprian, D. Prayer, G. Langs, R. Licandro, Motion correction and volumetric reconstruction for fetal functional magnetic resonance imaging data, NeuroImage, Volume 255, 2022, 119213, ISSN 1053-8119, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119213, April 2022.
Taymourtash A., Kebiri H., Tourbier S., Schwartz E., Nenning K.-H., Licandro R., Sobotka D., Lajous H., de Dumast P., Bach Cuadra M., Langs G., "4D iterative reconstruction of brain fMRI in the moving fetus", arXiv:2111.11394, 2021.
Sobotka D., Licandro R., Ebner M., Schwartz E., Vercauteren T., Ourselin S., Kasprian G., Prayer D., Langs G., „Reproducibility of Functional Connectivity Estimates in Motion Corrected Fetal fMRI”, Smart Ultrasound Imaging and Perinatal, Preterm and Paediatric Image Analysis, LNCS volume 11798, Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-32874-0, October 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32875-7
D. Sobotka, M. Ebner, E. Schwartz, T. Vercauteren, S. Ourselin, G. Kasprian, D. Prayer, G. Langs, R. Licandro, Motion Correction and Volumetric Reconstruction for Fetal fMRI, ECR 2022, July 2022, Vienna, Austria.
D. Sobotka, M. Ebner, E. Schwartz, T. Vercauteren, S. Ourselin, G. Kasprian, D. Prayer, G. Langs, R. Licandro, "Motion Correction and Volumetric Reconstruction for in-utero Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data", FIT'NG conference 2022, September 2022, Paris, France.
D. Sobotka, G. Kasprian, G. Langs, R. Licandro, Deep Regularizers for High-Resolution Reconstruction for Fetal Structural MRI, Annual FIT’NG Conference 2023, Santa Rosa, CA, US.
Fetal Brain Segmentation
K. Payette, C. Steger, R. Licandro, P. de Dumast, H. Bran Li, M. Barkovich, L. Li, M. Dannecker, C. Chen, C. Ouyang, N. McConnell, A. Miron, Y. Li, A. Uus, I. Grigorescu, P. Ramirez Gilliland, Md. M. R. Siddiquee, D. Xu, A. Myronenko, H. Wang, Z. Huang, J. Ye, M. Alenyà, V. Comte, O. Camara, J.-B. Masson, A. Nilsson, C. Godard, M. Mazher, A. Qayyum, Y. Gao, H. Zhou, S. Gao, J. Fu, G.Dong, G. Wang, Z.H. Rieu, H.S. Yang, M. Lee, S. Płotka, M. K. Grzeszczyk, A. Sitek, L. Vargas Daza, S. Usma, P. Arbelaez, W. Lu, W. Zhang, J. Liang, R. Valabregue, A. A. Joshi, K. N. Nayak, R.M. Leahy, L. Wilhelmi, A. Dändliker, H. Ji, A. Gennari, A. Jakovčić, M. Klaić, A. Adžić, P. Marković, G. Grabarić, G. Kasprian, G. Dovjak, M. Rados, L. Vasung, M. Bach Cuadra, A. Jakab, "Multi-Center Fetal Brain Tissue Annotation (FeTA) Challenge 2022 Results," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, November 2024 https://doi.org/10.1109/TMI.2024.3485554.
K. Payette, H. Li; P. de Dumast; R. Licandro; H. Ji; Md M. Rahman Siddiquee; D.Xu; A.Myronenko; H. Liu; Y. Pei; L. Wang; Y. Peng; J. Xie; H. Zhang; G. Dong; Hao Fu; G. Wang; Z. Rieu; D. Kim; H. Gi Kim; D. Karimi; A. Gholipour; H. R. Torres; B. Oliveira; J. L. Vilaça; Y.Lin; N. Avisdris; O.Ben-Zvi; D. Ben Bashat; L. Fidon; M. Aertsen; T. Vercauteren; D. Sobotka; G. Langs; M. Alenyà; M. Inmaculada Villanueva; O. Camara; B. Specktor Fadida; L. Joskowicz; L. Weibin; L. Yi; L. Xuesong; M. Mazher; A. Qayyum; D. Puig; H. Kebiri; Z. Zhang; X. Xu; D. Wu; K. Liao; Y. Wu; J. Chen; Y. Xu; L. Zhao; L. Vasung; B. Menze; M. Bach Cuadra; A. Jakab, “Fetal Brain Tissue Annotation and Segmentation Challenge Results”, Medical Image Analysis, Medical Image Analysis, April 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2023.102833
Payette K., de Dumast P., Jakab A., Bach Cuadra M., Vasung L., Licandro R., Menze B., & Li H.,"Fetal Brain Tissue Annotation and Segmentation Challenge", 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4573144, 2021.
Ciceri T., Stuempflen M., Tischer J., Kasprian G., Peruzzo D., Licandro R., FetGEs: a Deep Learning Approach for Fetal MRI Ganglionic Eminence Segmentation, (submitted 10/2024)
Fetal Brain Atlas Learning
Licandro R., Langs G., Kasprian G., Sablatnig R., Prayer D., Schwartz E., “A Longitudinal Diffeomorphic Atlas-Based Tissue Labeling Framework for Fetal Brains using Geodesic Regression “, Computer Vision Winter Workshop, Rimske Toplice, February 2016, ISBN: 978-961-90901-7-6.