Quantitative Morphometry of Fetal Brain Development for Disease Modeling and Diagnosis
Funded by Austrian National Bank Anniversary Fund, (2012 - 2014)
Team: Ernst Schwartz, Georg Langs, Eva Dittrich, Roxane Licandro
Partner: Gregor Kasprian, Veronika Schoepf
We are building a spatio-temporal model - an atlas - of healthy fetal brain development from in utero magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from a large group of individuals, and study specific developmental diseases with help of this model.
Recent Publications:
- E. Schwartz, G. Kasprian, A. Jakab, D. Prayer, V. Schöpf, and G. Langs. "Modeling Fetal Cortical Expansion using Graph-Regularized Gompertz Models". in Proceedings of MICCAI 2016, 2016.
- R. Licandro, G. Langs, G. Kasprian, R. Sablatnig, D. Prayer, E. Schwartz, “A Longitudinal Diffeomorphic Atlas-Based Tissue Labeling Framework for Fetal Brains using Geodesic Regression“, in Proceedings of CVWW, February 2016.
- R. Licandro, G. Langs, G. Kasprian, R. Sablatnig, D. Prayer, E. Schwartz, "Longitudinal Atlas Learning for Fetal Brain Tissue Labeling using Geodesic Regression", in Proceedings of CVPR WiCV, July 2016.
- E. Dittrich, T. Riklin-Raviv, G. Kasprian, R. Donner, P. C. Brugger, D. Prayer, G. Langs, "A Spatio-Temporal Latent Atlas for Semi-Supervised Learning of Fetal Brain Segmentations and Morphological Age Estimation", in Medical Image Analysis 14(1), pp.9-21, 2014.
- E. Schwartz, A. Jakab, G. Kasprian, L. Zoellei, and G. Langs, "A locally linear method for enforcing temporal smoothness in serial image registration". In Proc. of MICCAI STIA'14. LNCS 8682, 2014.
- V. Schöpf, E. Dittrich, V. Berger-Kulemann, G. Kasprian, K. Kollndorfer, D. Prayer. "Advanced MRI techniques of the fetal brain.", Der Radiologe, 2013, 53(2):136-140, 2013.