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AI for the Prediction of Obesity-Related Vascular Diseases

The project AI for the Prediction of Obesity-Related Vascular Diseases (AI-POD) has started in May 2023, and is developing AI tools for the assessment and prediction of risk of cardiovascular diseases and its related complications in obese persons. 

Project summary

AI-POD has started in May 2023 (Opening Press Release)

The escalating issue of obesity affects more than 436 million people across Europe, significantly increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and placing substantial economic burdens on healthcare systems. Currently, accurately predicting individual CVD risk within the obese population remains a challenge. The AI-POD project seeks to revolutionize this aspect by developing advanced, AI-driven tools for risk prediction and clinical decision-making.

AI-POD integrates a variety of data, including clinical, laboratory, and imaging data, and translates this into actionable health information. This helps guide diagnostic procedures and treatment recommendations, ultimately aiming to reduce CVD-related deaths in Europe.

Two main outcomes of the AI-POD project include a cutting-edge AI-based risk score and Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) for assessing and predicting obesity-related CVD risks. Additionally, the project offers an innovative mobile app for citizens. This Citizen App interacts with the CDSS, empowering individuals to monitor and manage their health more effectively.

By streamlining physician workflows and enabling patients to play an active role in their health management, AI-POD aims to unburden public health budgets and enhance the overall quality of care for obese individuals at risk of cardiovascular diseases.

To keep up-to-date with the latest project developments follow AI-POD on Twitter using #aipod, and visit the project