Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Brandstätter, BSc
ResearcherEmail: stefan.brandstaetter@meduniwien.ac.at
Computational Imaging Research Lab
Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
Medical University of Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
1090 Vienna / Austria
AKH, Ebene 7F
Stefan Brandstätter finished bachelor's degree in Medical Computer Science at the University of Vienna, continued with a master's degree in Medical Computer Science at the Medical University of Vienna and graduated at the end of 2022. Since January 2023 he is a PhD student in the CIR lab where he works on deep learning approaches for bridging the imaging and histopathology data modalities.
Research interests
- Multi-Modal Image Fusion
- Neural Fields in Computer Vision
- Synthetic Data for Unsupervised Learning
Machine Learning Driven Precision Imaging - Multi-Modal Image Registration
Brandstätter, S., Seeböck, P., Fürböck, C., Pochepnia, S., Prosch, H., Langs, G.: Rigid single-slice-in-volume registration via rotation-equivariant 2d/3d feature matching. In: Modat, M., Simpson, I., Špiclin, Ž., Bastiaansen, W., Hering, A., Mok, T.C.W. (eds.) Biomedical Image Registration. pp. 280–294. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024) MICCAI 2024 /WBIR Workshop. Accepted https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-73480-9_22