The Developmental and Interventional Neuroimaging Lab (DINLAB) is an international and interdisciplinary research group of scientists interested in the process of development (changes of the human brain in space and time) of the healthy and diseased brain throughout life - from prenatal life to senescence.
The DINLAB aims to provide a central point of contact as well as a communication platform unifying researchers interested in clinical functional and structural neuroimaging studies in collaboration with the Division of Neuroradiology and Musculoskeletal Radiology at the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy. The DINLAB emerged from current and previous cooperations with various labs and groups within and outside the Medical University of Vienna.
- Univ. Prof. Dr Gregor Kasprian, MBA Researcher Profile
- MMag. Dr. Kathrin Kollndorfer Researcher Profile
- Mag. Dr. Florian Ph.S Fischmeister Researcher Profile
The aims of the DINLAB are centered around the three cornerstones: clinic, science, and teaching:
- Provide researchers from within and outside the Medical University of Vienna with a neuroscientific perspective to answer their proposed research questions. To this end, the DINLAB leverages well-established neuroimaging methods like sMRI, fMRI, DWI, or EEG and EMG, as well as associated analysis tools to allow researchers to record, analyze, and understand their data with a focus on transparency and reproducibility. To this end, projects need to work synergistically and enable the creation of a large hybrid dataset (different patient groups - same paradigm) within the framework of big data at the department of radiology.
- Support clinicians to transition new scientific knowledge into daily practice to benefit patient care. To do this, DINLAB is implementing and developing pipelines and workflows that are ready and easy to use with minimal training. These workflows will allow faster and more reliable diagnostics with respect to changing software and infrastructure, while at the same time, it will take less time and effort. Additionally, since standardized, these workflows will allow us to evaluate the accumulation of expertise during radiological training.
- Providing training and documentation since the interpretation of experimental results and clinical decision-making seems impossible without a deep understanding of employed workflows. Here, the DINLAB plans to generate appropriate material for the department’s Wiki and will take an active part in the Morgenfortbildung and the Lunch Conference. Additionally, the DINLAB plans to actively engage within the current Medical Imaging and Clinical Neuroscience (CLINS) Ph.D. programs offered at the medical university.
- The Developmental and Interventional Neuroimaging Lab (DINLAB) has its origins in various joint interdisciplinary projects and is the result of a well-established collaboration that will form the basis for future collaborations. Among these labs and groups at the Medical University of Vienna and outside are:
- The Computational Imaging Research (CIR) lab, an interdisciplinary research group of scientists from medicine, computer science and mathematics mainly working in the field of machine learning.
- The Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, is an interdisciplinary cross-faculty research team interested in the functional brain organization of cognitive abilities such as language, memory, and attention, from the fetal stage to adolescence.
- The Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics (CCP) brings together all experts in the field of pregnancy, children and adolescent health care and comprises the clinical core departments in this field. Within the CCP the DINLAB has well-established collaborations with:
a) The Division of Neonatology, Pediatric Intensive Care and Neuropediatrics at the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
b) The Eating-Disorder Unit at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - BioPsyC - Biopsychosocial Corporation a Non-profit Association for Research Funding based in Vienna interested in conducting large-scale international studies in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry.
- The Neuroimaging Lab Graz, a small extramural third-party funded research group at the University Graz focusing on longitudinal functional and structural brain changes induced by probiotic and symbiotic intervention and their influence on sensory processes, human cognition, and the resting brain.
- The Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics as all as the Institute of Neuroanatomy, both at the University Hospital, RWTH University Aachen via the common ERA-Net project “MiGBAN: Microbiome-gut-brain interaction in Anorexia Nervosa”.
Furthermore, the DINLAB is taking an active role in the Medical Imaging Cluster (MIC), the Medical Neuroscience Cluster (MNC), and in the recently founded Comprehensive Center for Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health (C3NMH). Within the latter members of the DINLAB already have tight collaborations with the Epilepsy Group located at the Department of Neurology, the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Division of Neonatology and the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Medical University of Vienna
Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
Division of Neuroradiology and Musculoskeletal Radiology
Developmental and Interventional Neuroimaging Lab (DINLAB)
Währinger Gürtel 18-20, Floor 6F
1090 Vienna, Austria
P: +43 (0)1 40400-48440
email: dinlab@meduniwien.ac.at