Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Georg Langs
E-Mail: georg.langs@meduniwien.ac.at
Phone: +43 (0)1 40400-73725
Assistant: Rosa Yesil +43 (0)1 40400-73926
Medical University of Vienna
Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
Computational Imaging Research Lab
Waehringer Guertel 18-20
1090 Vienna, Austria
Office: Anna Spiegel Center of Translational Research (Building 25, Floor 7, Room 28)
I am also affiliated with the Medical Vision Group at CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I work in the group of Polina Golland. http://people.csail.mit.edu/langs
Georg Langs studied Mathematics at Vienna University of Technology, and finished his PhD in Computer Vision at Vienna University of Technology and Graz University of Technology in 2007. He worked as a post-doctoral associate at the Applied Mathematics and Systems Laboratory at Ecole Centrale de Paris, and the GALEN Group at INRIA-Saclay, Ile de France with Nikos Paragios from 2007 to 2008. He was a Research Scientist at Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 2009 to 2011, and joined the Faculty of Medical University of Vienna in 2011. He taught Computer Vision and Medical Imaging courses at Ecole Centrale de Paris, and teaches at Vienna University of Technology. He reviews for several Conferences and Journals, among them IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recogniton and Machine Intelligence, and IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Georg Langs is the Head of the Computational Image Analysis and Radiology Lab (CIR) at the Medical University of Vienna.
Research interests
Neuroimaging, machine learning and medical image analysis,
in particular:
- Machine learning in medical imaging
- Computational Neuroscience
- Bridging imaging phenotypes and biological mechanisms
- Learning from large scale heterogeneous clinical data
- Started EU funded project ARTEMIS in January 2024 to build digital twins and improve care for patients with fatty liver disease
- Started EU funded project AI-POD in May 2023 to create actionable personalized risk scores by combining high-end photon counting CT data and continualy acquired activity data of patients.
All publications are here
- Athena Taymourtash, Ernst Schwartz, Karl-Heinz Nenning, Daniel Sobotka, Roxane Licandro, Sarah Glatter, Mariana Cardoso Diogo, Polina Golland, Ellen Grant, Daniela Prayer, Gregor Kasprian, Georg Langs, Fetal development of functional thalamocortical and cortico–cortical connectivity, Cerebral Cortex, 2022; bhac446
- Sobotka, D., Ebner, M., Schwartz, E., Nenning, K. H., Taymourtash, A., Vercauteren, T., Ourselin, S., Kasprian, G., Prayer, D., Langs, G., & Licandro, R. (2022). Motion Correction and Volumetric Reconstruction for Fetal Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. NeuroImage, 119213.
- A. Bitencourt, M. Iima, G. Langs, K. Pinker. (2022) Editorial: Impact of Breast MRI on Breast Cancer Treatment and Prognosis. Frontiers Oncology
- Burger, B., Nenning, K. H., Schwartz, E., Margulies, D. S., Goulas, A., Liu, H., Neubauer, S., Dauwels, J., Prayer, D., & Langs, G. (2022). Disentangling cortical functional connectivity strength and topography reveals divergent roles of genes and environment. NeuroImage, 247, 118770.
- Roetzer-Pejrimovsky, T., Moser, AC., Atli, B. et al. The Digital Brain Tumour Atlas, an open histopathology resource. Sci Data 9, 55 (2022).
- Co-Organizing "AI and Simulation for COVID-19" Workshop Nov 2020: workshop, video
- Talk at CVPR MCV 2020 Jun 15th 2020
- IPAM Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Applications Jan 2020: talk video
- BrainHack 2019 Vienna Dec 2019
- Symposium on Machine Learning in Medicine & Biology Jun 5th, 2019
- Keynote at Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging 2018 in Singapore
- Medical Imaging Summer School MISS 2018
- ECR 2018 talk: Artificial Intelligence in Research: imaging biomarker for disease phenotyping and prediction
- Human Brain Mapping 2017 Course on Pattern Recognition for Neuro Imaging (PR4NI): slides and code
- We were hosting BRAINHACK 2016 - Reliability and Reproducibility in Connectomics from Sep 18th to 20th 2016 in Vienna
- Workshop on Representation Learning in Artificial and Biological Neural Networks during NIPS 2016 in Barcelona
- HBM 2016 Tutorial on Mapping activation patterns across individuals in Geneva
- Vienna Data Science MeetUp: Machine Learning - Relationships
- HBM 2015 Symposium: Understanding the Emerging Complexity of the Developing Brain
- ICT 2015: Showing KHRESMOI results: Radiology Explorer
- NIPS 2014 Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging: beyond the scanner
- MICCAI 2014 Workshop bigMCV: Medical Computer Vision - proceedings in LNCS out soon.
- MICCAI 2013 Medical Computer Vision Workshop: Large Data in Medical Imaging
- ISBI 2012 Tutorial: Machine Learning in Neuroimaging, together with Jonas Richiardi, and Emanuele Olivetti
- MICCAI 2012 Medical Computer Vision Workshop
- Machine Learning and Inference in Neuroimaging Workshop @ NIPS 2011
- MICCAI'10 Workshop: Medical Computer Vision, organized by Bjoern Menze, Georg Langs, Zhuowen Tu and Antonio Criminisi
- MICCAI'08 Tutorial: Learning Models of Anatomy and Function by Georg Langs, Dimitris Samaras, and Tim Cootes during MICCAI'08 in New York.