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Quality Control

1. General Overview
The clinical division of Nuclear Medicine is a structural and functional part of The Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy of the General Hospital in Vienna and MedUniWien. All activities are of the highest standards, and are subject to quality control standards set forth by ON EN ISO 9001:2008.  Since 2009, the entire General Hospital of Vienna, including the division of Nuclear Medicine, have been certified.
In 1992, the clinical division of Nuclear Medicine was formed from the earlier isotope section in the departments of Internal Medicine I and Internal Medicine II.
This collaboration initially led to a university clinic and, after the agreed upon restructuring in 2013, the present state-of-the-art Clinical Division of Nuclear Medicine that provides care for the Viennese and everyone in Middle and Eastern Europe.  Since their founding, they have earned an excellent international reputation in nuclear medicine research and as a center of competence.
2. Clinical Performance
All the established nuclear medicine exams and treatments offered are based upon the highest standards for quality and meet the standards for the ON EN ISO 9001:2008.
The in-house production of all nuclear medicine radiopharmaceuticals needed for diagnostic and therapeutic studies meet the quality standards and medication regulations set forth by the ON EN ISO 9001:2008.
All patient-related activities are based upon Good Clinical Practice and the ON EN ISO 9001:2008 standards such that the team work with referring physicians delivers the highest quality of care, as well as the maximum safety and well-being of patients.  

3. Collaboration
The area of hybrid imaging (e.g., PET/CT, PET/MR and SPECT/CT) and nuclear medicine therapies works very closely with the other clinical services and institutes of the General Hospital Vienna and the MedUniWien, especially with the radiologists, internists, neurologists and psychiatrists.

4. Research
The research focus lies in the conception, development and production of the most modern radiopharmaceuticals to establish new techniques to advance clinical care. Naturally all conducted research activities conform to the quality standards of the ON EN ISO 9001:2008.

5. Training
The Division of Nuclear Medicine plays an active role in medical studies section, Scientific Diagnosis and Imaging. Their training conforms to the quality standards set out in ON EN ISO 9001:2008.

6. Continual Improvements
A central requirement for all staff is to continually upgrade their scientific knowledge.

7. Quality Policy/ Objectives of the Clinical Division of Nuclear Medicine
The basis of our quality policy is the constructive collaboration with our interested partners, i.e., referring physicians, patients, technical staff, general personnel, as well as research and teaching institutions, suppliers and the environment.

7.1 Patients
We are oriented to meet the needs of our patients. We nurture a polite, respectful, and friendly atmosphere for patients and colleagues where a constructive exchange of opinions can take place. Through this, we seek to motivate and work with patients to diagnose and treat their illnesses. It is our privilege to explain and answer any treatment-related inquiries patients may have.

7.2 Referring Physicians
We optimize diagnosis and treatment through teamwork with our referring colleagues. Through continuing medical education events, we inform our colleagues about the methods, indications, and performance of exams and update them on new developments and research outcomes.  

7.3 Co-workers
We strive for a good work atmosphere. To maintain the high quality standards of exams, our physicians, chemists, pharmacists, physicists, technicians and other personnel are constantly updating their knowledge. To this end, an amply-furnished library with national and international specialty literature is available to our staff. New information is also disseminated to our physicians and other academic colleagues at medical congresses in which they participate at least once a year. Periodic on-site training sessions also help to increase the depth of knowledge our staff have in nuclear medicine advances.
At weekly discussions, our physicians hash out specialty-specific problems.
Technical personnel also attend continuing medical education events. Administrative personnel, along with general staff, attend periodic service meetings where organizational specialty-related issues are discussed, and changes implemented
We place great importance on a positive image of our staff and on proper and polite dealings among staff and between staff and patients.  We strive to motivate our staff through optimal work conditions, and through continuing high medical performance which is recognized by the Austrian public health service.   

7.4 Technologists
Vis-à-vis our legal responsibilities, it is our duty to provide the essential nuclear medicine exams. They should be of the highest quality, most cost-efficient and performed as quickly as possible.

7.5 Research and Training Personnel and Institutions                               
As a clinical division of the General Hospital in Vienna and MedUniWien, we work internationally to actively advance the specialty of Nuclear Medicine and to convey our knowledge to the residents, medical students, and all other trainees in related areas, e.g., radiology technologists.

7.6 Vendors
In purchasing equipment for the division, we will bear in mind the quality and cost-efficiency of the product.

7.7 Environment
Through the proper sorting of waste material, i.e., disposal and avoidance, we play an active role in environmental protection.  

7.8 Efficiency
We are legally bound to make sensible economic choices that are in the public’s best. All activities will be assessed on the basis of their economic worth and efficiency.  We strive for a performance-related cost structure that will meet the high demands of the university.  

7.9 Quality of Services
Each employee bears the responsibility to act towards our common goals. In the context of his duties, he must fulfill our purpose and strive to optimize the quality of service provided.  The causes of errors will by quickly and factually determined, and used to improve service. Precise information, unequivocal competence and responsibility are fundamental requirements to perform quality work

7.10 Specialty Competence
We consider precise diagnosis and reporting, optimal treatment and follow-up care, and efficient training and research as basic requirements.

Competent managerial, technical, and administrative support, as well as and supportive quality-assurance measures are an integral part of our daily work.
We expect our staff to continually improve their personal qualifications, as well as their knowledge in the specialty. Through continuing medical education, our staff will meet our expectations and achieve the highest international standards.

An exchange of knowledge and experience within the division at the General Hospital in Vienna, and the MedUni Wien, as well as sharing knowledge on the national and international level, including unknown scientific methods, is fundamental to our modus operandi.