Experimental Nuclear Medicine
Post Doctoral Researchers
- Marie Brandt, PhD Linked-In
- Ing. Dr. Marius Ozenil, MSc Linked-In leave of absence
- Dr.in Chrysoula Vraka, MSc Linked-In leave of absence
PhD Students
- Karsten Bamminger, MSc Linked-In
- Zewen Jiang, MSc
- Maximilian Krisch, MSc Linked-In
- Lukas Kogler, MSc
- Öykü Özer, MSc Linked-In
- Usevalad Ustsinau, MSc Linked-In
Technical Assistant

The research group "Experimental Nuclear Medicine" deals with the development and evaluation of radiotracers in various diseases. In addition, the group focuses on organ axes and pharmacokinetics.

The research group “Experimental Nuclear Medicine" has a variety of methods and techniques at its disposal. These enable the development of new imaging probes and ultimately clinical translation.