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Scientific communication

Internal Events  

The Department of Nuclear Medicine has divided its research activities into three main areas. To enhance communication among researchers, regular internal presentations are held. These sessions provide updates on relevant research within the department (Research Club) or the broader research field (External Speaker Seminar; Journal Club).

Each week during the semester, the Research Club takes place on Tuesdays at 12:00 PM as a hybrid event both in the NukMed Library on level 3 and via Webex. All staff from the Department of Nuclear Medicine and affiliated institutes are warmly invited to attend these events.


- To ensure that the department's staff is informed about ongoing research activities
- To share multidisciplinary expertise
- To provide input on the next steps in a research project
- To strengthen communication and coordination within the department

Speakers: Mandatory for students and postdocs from the Department of Nuclear Medicine

Format: 2-3 informal 15-minute presentations covering background, current experiments, next steps, and future outlook

Responsible: T.Beyer, S.Grünert, M.Hacker, L.Kenner, M.Mitterhauser, V.Pichler, A.Veduta

Organised by: The Department of Nuclear Medicine in cooperation with the Quantitative Imaging and Medical Physics, und Joint Medicinal Radiochemistry Facility.

Link: Über webex teilnehmen

Registration and Inquiries:;


Our Journal Club provides a platform for scientific discussion of recent publications that represent significant advancements and are relevant to our research topics.

Purpose: To address current issues in relevant research areas and to train participants in manuscript analysis for reviewing.

Participants: Mandatory for students and postdocs from Radiopharmacy/Joint Medicinal Radiochemistry Facility.

Schedule: Every Thursday at 3:00 PM during the semester, alternating with the "External Speaker Seminar."

Format: A recent publication every two weeks: Participants suggest relevant and recent highlights from the literature pertinent to the unit.

Speakers: Mandatory for students and postdocs from the Department of Nuclear Medicine.

Responsible: T.Beyer, S.Grünert, M.Hacker, L.Kenner, M.Mitterhauser, V.Pichler, A.Veduta

Organised by: The Deparment of Nuclear Medicine in cooperation with the
Quantitative Imaging and Medical Physics and Joint Medicinal Radiochemistry Facility.

Registration and inquiries:;

Link: Please join via Webex


With the lecture series "Cheese&Crackers," the Clinical Department of Nuclear Medicine promotes scientific discussion, collaboration, and interaction with both internal and external partners through regular scientific talks by leading researchers from within the country and abroad.

Participants: Open to all; mandatory for students/postdocs from Radiopharmacy/Joint Medicinal Radiochemistry Facility.

These 45-minute lectures will be held online until further notice, and you can always find the current announcement here.