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Computational Imaging Research Lab (CIR)

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The CIR lab is an interdisciplinary research group of scientists from medicine, computer science and mathematics.

CIR is a division of the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy at the Medical University of Vienna conducting research at the interface of medical imaging, machine learning, and precision medicine. 

Our goal is to understand how to extract relevant knowledge from medical images, to model the relationship between images and biological mechanisms, and to develop methods for predicting individual disease course and treatment response. CIR lab is an international interdiscriplinary team with colleagues of diverse backgrounds joining projects with impact in science and patient care. CIR is a part of the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Community at MedUni Wien.


We are thrilled to co-organize two significant events at the international conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) in Marrakesh on October 6, 2024: the Fetal Brain Tissue Segmentation and Annotation (FeTA) 2024 and the 9th workshop on Perinatal, Preterm, and Pediatric Image Analysis (PIPPI).

For more information on FeTA, visit the FeTA Challenge 2024. Details about PIPPI can be found at the PIPPI Workshop 2024.

CVPR 2024

Today at CVPR 2024: Visual Anomaly Detection Workshop! 

Anomaly detection is crucial for identifying unusual patterns and potential issues in data, making it essential for applications in security, healthcare, and beyond. At the VAND 2.0 Workshop, co-organized by Philipp, top researchers and industry experts are gathering to share insights and innovations in visual anomaly and novelty detection.

Live from CVPR 2024, Seattle, WA
Dive into cutting-edge research, network with fellow professionals, and see how our lab is contributing to transformative advancements in anomaly detection (

#AnomalyDetection #AI #MachineLearning #CVPR2024 #Research #Innovation #CIRlab

ARTEMIS project

The international ARTEMIS project had its kick-off meeting on February 7th, 2024. It will develop novel technology to integrate machine learning and simulation methods for virtual twins in the diagnosis and treatment of fatty liver disease. 

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